Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lightening hits the farm

I love a good summer shower as much as the next fella (how else would my yard be producing these marvelous flowers?) , but what in the world?! Lovely evening showers have turned freakishly ferocious. This week's storm managed to strike our house just right to kill our modem, cable wiring, Netbook, cordless phones, and wireless router. Seriously?! (Please note - I had NO qualms with the storm that required my insurance company to buy me a new roof and gutters but definitely take offense to the storm that wreaked havoc but without meeting our deductible)

Any how... the lightening didn't just leave it's mark on our electronics. It also left it's mark on our pecan tree. So will this years pecans come out of the shell tasting toasted...?
Thankfully, we had some marvelous mid-week visitors to take our minds off everything else. I can't think of a Wednesday evening that I have enjoyed more in ages. Dinner fresh from the garden, red wine, pseudo behaved kids, and a refreshed sense of how nice adult conversation can be. And Australian accents as the cherry on top.And for all those out there wondering... "how could my child get some awesome tie dye like that?", it's quite simple actually... Enjoy!

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