Friday, November 6, 2009


Yesterday, Dad and Allen trekked up to the Triangle area in search of... blueberries! First stop... not a blueberry stop. But, an old stomping ground stop for Allen - Earl's place, complete with goats and plant nursery. After checking out OI's stock pile of plants in progress and loading some into the car (thanks TJ!!), Dad and Allen headed on to the blueberry-buying place. Finches, I believe. Lots of information, lots of things Allen now has to do to prepare to plant inside of the next MONTH! I can see Allen's mental to-do list growing longer.... (and my to-do list getting shoved further back in line).

Next stop, real life blueberry farm! After confirming that we are located in a completely different market and not at all competition, Mr. Blueberry (for lack of knowing his real name) was more than happy to fill Allen's head with more useful bits of blueberry-growing and managing knowledge. All in all, successful trip. Next time (Greenville), I am signed up to go along. If I'm going to be a blueberry farmer, I guess I need to know what I'm in for!

Side note - if you are asking yourself, "What did the other Lowrances do without Allen/Daddy at home?" the answer is simple - a McDonald's picnic on the den floor while watching the Wiggles. Organic? No. Wholesome? No. Fun? YES. Take that, fun-parent-Daddy.

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