Wednesday, December 9, 2009

After a lovely little mini-vacation to the Big City, I'm back home. Emma would not let me out of her sight from the moment I walked in the door... and I must admit, I loved every minute of it!

Now... back to the real world.... with a little Christmas gathering coming up this weekend followed by various other gift-swapping occasions, it's definitely time to get my present-buying in motion! At least we finally did get the tree up. Emma, of course, found it necessary to dress up as a Bumble Bee while decorating. Why not? Emma's job - decorating the bottom 2 feet of the tree with ornaments I deem to be "unbreakable" (unfortunately, my judgement on this was not always correct). Mary Claire's job - to pull down all ornaments on the bottom 2 feet of the tree and further test their unbreakable-ness.

We also introduced the Elf on the Shelf this year. Ours is named Jingle. Emma is deathly afraid of Jingle. Mary Claire doesn't know he exists. Hmmmm.... probably not what the Elf on the Shelf people planned. Emma looks at him, cowers, covering her chest, and says in a little voice, "I no like that eff". Maybe he will grow on her...


Regina said...

That's HILARIOUS about the Elf! I've heard that it's a fun Christmas tradition. I've thought about trying it when Aly gets older.

Mrs. K said...

HAHA... we did Elf on the shelf this year as well. Reid named him Baby Moses and he quickly became one of her many babies! Guess I should put him up until next year!