Monday, January 4, 2010

Ringing in the New Year

So you may be asking yourself, how did the habitants of the Gryder Farm ring in the New Year? Well, the children were down by 9, the adults by 10:30. Yes, wild and crazy. I did wake up briefly when the neighborhood firework display (I use both the term "neighborhood" and "firework display" very loosely) went off in every possible direction around my house at approximately 11:45.

In other goings on, Allen's new pastime involves going out at ridiculous hours every morning to break ice off all animal-watering stations. Fun? Probably not. Cold? Most definitely.

Emma's new pastime involves watching the movie Annie as often as possible. While wearing her red dress. And what does she do when not watching Annie? Overheard from my position on the couch: Emma to Allen (out of the blue), "I'm talking 'bout my red dress."
Allen - 'Right now we are cleaning up blocks.'
Emma - "But Daddy, I'm talking 'bout my red dress."
Allen - 'We can talk when we are done picking up blocks.'
Emma (pauses) - "I'd like to talk one minute about Annie."

Mary Claire's new pastime... well, I guess she doesn't have one. Mainly, she just walks around with a baby doll or two and a smile that warms my heart. I do think we are finally moving on from shoes on the hands to shoes on the feet though...!


Jeana Marie said...

how sweet :) love how little ones can stay absolutely completely focused on whatever it is they CHOOSE to, especially when there are chores to be done!

Mom to Eleanor and Emerson said...

That is the cutest story about Emma! It was nice running into her and Allen this morning at St. John's. Hope it went well! Can't wait to get our girls together again soon!