Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fall? Is that you?

Has fall arrived in September? Or are the gods just pleased with us right now? Maybe this is my present for being a good girl and sticking with my decision to take up jogging? Either way, I am in love with the crisp, cool mornings and the warm, but not overly hot mid-days. It's been cool enough to allow me to drink my first (two) Pumpkin Spice Lattes of the season without feeling too silly for drinking a hot, fall-tasting latte while summer is still blaring upon us.

This blog entry brought to you by my love/hate relationship with Starbucks. Starbucks, if you are reading this, please consider helping a poor girl out and dropping the price of your overly addictive overly priced PSL to less than the cost of feeding my entire family a meal. Thank you.

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