Saturday, June 19, 2010

Foxes on the farm

Unfortunately, our two new hens had a short-lived stay on here on the farm. Last night they were snatched up by a fox. Allen actually saw two foxes, but not soon enough. At 5 a.m. he was running out the door with the shot gun, but the damage was already done and the foxes were no where to be found. Albeit not the prettiest of chickens, we hate to see them go. Emma was already getting attached. The rooster did make it, but isn't of any real use to us with out his ladies. Guess back to craigslist to try and find some more sitters. And tonight, Allen is sleeping with one eye open ready to catch himself some foxes.

1 comment:

Jeana Marie said...

Oh how sad! Hope the foxes keep away so the rest are safe.